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Make the weekdays something special. Take a couple of days out of the calendar to enjoy a get-away in Skagen on an everyday stay at Brøndums Hotel.
The stay includes 2 nights with delicious breakfast, 2-course dinner both evenings and entrance to Skagens Museum.

Price per person for two nights from DKK 2.025,00
Price from DKK 2.025,00 per person.

(Additional fee for single room DKK 300,00 per night)

We reserve the right to change prices and apply surcharges for
room upgrades.
The stay includes:

  • 2 nights – choose between different room options
  • Dinner the first night: Madam Brøndums Fish soup and Plaice á la Skawbo
  • Dinner the second night: 2 courses composed with seasonal and locally sourced ingredients
  • Entrance to Skagens Museum
  • Check-in from 15.00
  • Check out from 11.00


Get a complete hotel experience with one of our packages.