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Enjoy each other and recharge on a weekend stay at Brøndums Hotel in Skagen.
The stay includes 2 nights with delicious breakfast, 2-course menu on Friday, afternoon coffee and 4-course menu on Saturday and entrance to Skagens Museum.

Price per person from DKK 2.750,00
Prices from DKK 2.795,00 per person.

(Additional fee for single room DKK 300,00 per night)
Day 1:
  • Check-in from 15.00
  • Dinner: Madam Brøndums Fish soup and Plaice á la Skawbo
  • Coffee at the fireplace after dinner
  • Overnight stay – choose between different room options
Day 2:
  • Delicious breakfast buffet with local specialties
  • Afternoon coffee & cake served between 15.00 og 16.30
  • Entrance ticket to Skagens Museum
  • 4-couse inspiration menu with seasonal ingredients
  • Coffee at the fire place
  • Overnight stay – choose between different room options
Day 3:
  • Delicious breakfast buffet with local specialties
  • Check-out before 11.00


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