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Indulge all your senses with a gourmet stay at Brøndums Hotel.
Enjoy snacks and champagne at the fireplace, 4-course gourmet dinner, wine menu putted together by our sommelier as well as coffee and homemade petits fours.

Go to bed in one of our charming rooms and wake up to our delicious breakfast buffet with local specialties.

Price per person from DKK 2.050,00
Prices from DKK 2.050,00 per person.
(Additional fee for single room DKK 300,00 per night)

We reserve the right to change prices and apply surcharges for room upgrades.
The stay includes:

  • Check-in from 15.00
  • Snacks & champagne at the fireplace before the dinner
  • 4-course gourmet dinner
  • Wine menu curated by Brøndums Hotel’s own sommelier
  • Coffee & petit fours
  • Night in standard room
  • Delicious breakfast buffet
  • Check-out before 11.00


Get a complete hotel experience with one of our packages.